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About Our Firm

Often when people come to us in search of a family law firm, it is because they are in a period of transition or on the cusp of one. Not surprisingly, one of the most common life changes we help our clients navigate is divorce, and when children are involved, custody issues.

Whether you are contemplating divorce, are in the throes of one, are coming to us after a bad experience with another law firm, need assistance post-judgment, or want help mapping out your new life post-divorce, we know the issues requiring attention can become overwhelming. This is especially true when children are involved.

At Farias Family Law, we get it. We are sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and parents. And although we are not related by blood, our talented team of lawyers, paralegals, client service specialists, and support staff are very much a family, too. And because of that, we recognize all you have that is at stake and why you are so determined to protect it.

Our goal is to flip your divorce and custody issues into a positive experience and outcome that maximizes your money and your time with your children.

We prioritize wellness: if you are at your best, you will be happier and better able to work effectively with us and achieve the best result. We are committed to giving you the tools and resources you need to prepare you to thrive during divorce and after.

We are committed to providing you with excellent representation. Our staff is dedicated to constant improvement so that we optimize your chances of getting the results you deserve.

You are guaranteed elite client service so that you have easy access to us and can understand what is happening, why, and what is ahead.

We operate with the highest degree of integrity, so there is complete honesty and transparency throughout the process. We are committed to doing what’s best for you and your children if you have any.

And we emphasize teamwork because working closely with you and moving together toward your goals is not only our top priority but it is also the best way to be effective.

Our focus is divorce. We handle all aspects of the process, from negotiating child support and alimony to child custody-related issues, including helping you craft parenting plans that will stand the test of time. We appreciate how property, asset, and debt division is crucial for ensuring stability post-divorce and will work hard to get you the best possible settlement.

If you are a business owner or a high-net-worth client with a complicated portfolio, rest assured we take valuation seriously and have a team of financial and tax specialists we work with regularly to ensure you are protected.

In addition to divorce, we also help with post-judgment issues (modifications), contempts — enforcement of a court order — and custody and support issues for unmarried parties.

Because every client is different, every family unique, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach. What we have observed to be universal among our family law clients is the desire to have their matters resolved in a way that maximizes results while minimizing the time it takes to get them.

With more than 100 years of cumulative experience between us, and a culture of constant improvement, we will optimize your chances of attaining your goals, and doing so efficiently. We are proponents of creative solutions and will take great care to craft detailed agreements and plans that speak to your and your family’s short- and long-term goals.

We think outside the box and see value in alternative dispute resolution, including mediation and conciliation, to guide opposing sides to work together instead of against each other. While court has a distinct place in family law practice, and we have the expertise to achieve success at important hearings and trying complex cases before a judge, we believe in utilizing and directing our skills toward repairing, sustaining where healthy, and building new or stronger relationships post-divorce, even amid extreme tension.

Fighting for the sake of it comes at a hefty price, in dollars and cents and emotions. High-conflict divorces reap emotional, mental, and physical repercussions that can negatively affect your life and the lives of those you love and care deeply about for decades to come.

We are, therefore, deeply committed to negotiating your divorce so you and your soon-to-be-ex can walk away in the near future with the resources you need to move forward with your lives independent of one another and in a positive way. The same holds for co-parenting. Our mission is to support moms and dads like you in creating a stable environment where your children can enjoy two happy homes filled with love and, like their parents, continue to grow and flourish post-divorce.

At Farias Family Law, “Family” is our middle name because it is truly at the heart of who we are. We look forward to hearing more about you and your family.

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Farias Family Law, P.c.

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