Massachusetts Child Support Calculator

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a. Number of children who may be eligible to be covered by this order?
b. Check the option that applies to the children listed in 1(a) (check one box only)
The parents share financial responsibilities and parenting time approximately equally (shared)
Box 1
The children primarily reside with one parent for approximately 2/3 of the time
Box 2
There is more than one child covered by the order and each parent provides a primary residence for at least one child (split)
Box 3
c. Enter Each Parent's name
If you checked Box 2 above, enter the name of the parent with whom the children primarily reside in the column for Parent A, and the other parent's name as Parent B; otherwise, enter either parent's name in either column
Parent A:
Parent B:
Enter the number and age of children for whom each parent may be eligible to receive support
If you checked Box 1 above (shared), enter the number of children from 1(a) in the columns for both parents
If you checked Box 2 above, enter the number of children from 1(a) in the column for Parent A, and enter 0 in the column for Parent B
If you checked Box 3 above (split), enter the number of children primarily residing with each parent in each column
d. Number of children under age 18
e. Number of children 18 years or older
f. Total Number of children
Total number of children should be equal to 1(a) i.e. {{child_count}}
2. Income
a. Gross weekly income
Parent A
Parent B
Social Security dependency benefit
b. Plus Enter the total amount of the dependency benefit in the column of the retired or disabled parent
Parent A
Parent B
c. Enter the amount of the dependency benefit Social Security sent directly to each parent
You have entered a dependency benefit in line 2b. The total of the amounts in lines 2b and 2c must be equal.
Parent A
Parent B
d. Minus Other support obligations paid
Parent A
Parent B
e. Minus Health care premium/enrollment paid
Parent A
Parent B
f. Minus Dental/vision insurance cost paid
Parent A
Parent B
g. Child care cost paid for children covered by this order
Child: 1 2 3 4 5
Parent A
Parent B
Parent A
Parent B
Case Name:
Docket Number:
Date Prepared:
Name of Preparer:
Payor's final support obligation
3. Gross Support Amounts
a. Available Income
Parent A
Parent B
b. Combined Available Income
c. Share of Combined Available Income
Parent A
Parent B
d. Applicable available income
e. Support amount for one child
f. Adjustment for the number of children in 1(f)
Parent A
Parent B
g. Combined support amount
Parent A
Parent B
4. Adjustment for children 18 years or older
a. Adjustment percentage for the ages of the children listed in 1(d) and 1(e)
Parent A
Parent B
b. Adjustment for childrend 18 yeas or older
Parent A
Parent B
c. Adjusted combined support amount
Parent A
Parent B
5. Proportional Support Amounts
a. Minus each parent's share of support
Parent A
Parent B
b. Other parent's share of support
Parent A
Parent B
c. Other parent's share of support with low ‐ income payor adjustment
Parent A
Parent B
6. adjusted support amounts
a. Child care cost benchmark amount
Parent A
Parent B
b. Other parent's share of benchmark cost
Parent A
Parent B
c. Other parent's adjusted share of support
Parent A
Parent B
d. Support as % of each parent's available income
Parent A
Parent B
e. Other parent's adjusted share of support
Parent A
Parent B
f. Recipient and Payor
Parent A
Parent B
g. Payor's adjusted share of support
If you are using the electronic worksheet on, the worksheet automatically checks this box and calculates the correct amount
If you are running the worksheet by hand, run a new worksheet replacing the Recipient's amount in 2b with the Recipient's amount from 2c Keep all other figures the same, and check this box in the new worksheet
a. Support as % of Recipient's available income
b. Payor's support obligation adjusted for income disparity
c. Credit for Social Security dependency benefits paid
d. Payor's final support obligation
e. Support as % of Payor's available income
a. Combined additional income
b. Share of combined additional income
Parent A
Parent B

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