Cohasset Child Custody Lawyer

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Cohasset Child Custody & Visitation Attorney

One of the most emotionally challenging things any parent can experience is a child custody determination. Whether you are an unmarried parent preparing for a standalone custody case or you are divorcing, and your custody determination is an element of your dissolution proceedings, it is vital to know the value of having a Cohasset child custody lawyer on your side for this situation.

Helping Parents Through Child Custody Cases in Cohasset, MA

Farias Family Law, P.C., offers experienced, responsive, and compassionate legal representation for your impending child custody case in Cohasset. We have years of professional experience helping our clients through all types of complex family court cases, and we are ready to put this experience to work for you in your impending case. The right Cohasset child custody lawyer on your side can significantly improve the quality of your experience in the family court system.

We know that you are likely to have many pressing legal questions, and it’s common for parents to enter their custody battles holding onto common misconceptions about how custody is awarded and what they should expect from a family court judge. Our goal is to help you feel more at ease with your situation so you can have peace of mind as your case unfolds. You can rely on our team to assist you in making the strongest possible case for custody in Cohasset.

What Does a Child Custody Order Require?

The goal of any child custody determination in Cohasset is for the court to preserve the best interests of the children the order will affect by ensuring an appropriate allocation of parental rights and parenting time. Every child custody order issued by the Cohasset family court will involve provisions for legal custody, physical custody, and child support. It’s vital to understand each element as well as how they interact with each other in your family court order.

Legal custody refers to the ability to make major decisions on a child’s behalf. A parent with legal custody has the right to make medical and legal decisions for their child, choose where they go to school, and ultimately has the right to dictate the conditions of the child’s upbringing. It’s common for parents to share legal custody even if one has more parenting time than the other.

Physical custody refers to where a child spends their time and their primary residence. When one parent is more capable of handling their child’s day-to-day needs, that parent is more likely to secure physical custody rights, and the other parent may have more limited parenting time. It is also possible for the child to alternate time with each parent if the parents live close enough to one another that such an arrangement is feasible and if that’s what’s in the best interest of the child.

Child support is the financial support a child requires from both parents. The Cohasset family court, which sits in Canton, expects both parents to equally contribute to the financial requirements of raising their child. When one parent has more parenting time than the other, the court interprets this as inherently covering their financial obligations, and the noncustodial parent may have to pay child support to the custodial parent until the child is emancipated, which may not be until age 23.

How is Child Custody Determined in Cohasset, MA?

A family court judge overseeing a child custody determination must evaluate many factors to determine what type of custody arrangement would suit the child’s individual needs and best interests. During this assessment, some of the factors the judge will need to consider will include:

  • Each parent’s criminal history. If a parent has any record of violent offenses, domestic abuse, or drug-related criminal offenses, they are unlikely to obtain significant custody rights.
  • Each parent’s apparent motivations in seeking custody. A judge will want to see that a parent is genuinely focused on their child’s well-being and not seeking custody to spite the other parent. Unfortunately, some parents will use their children as leverage in divorce and custody cases.
  • The income and work schedules of each parent. If a parent has a very demanding work schedule and will not be able to handle their child’s day-to-day needs, they are unlikely to obtain physical custody. The child support determination hinges on each parent’s income, certain expenses, such as medical, dental, and vision insurance and any previous support orders, and the parenting time awarded to each parent.
  • The child’s individual needs, including medical conditions, behavioral issues, developmental disabilities, and each parent’s proximity to extended family, school, and medical providers.
  • The living arrangements each parent can offer the child. A judge will award physical custody to a parent only if that parent can demonstrate their ability to provide a safe and stable place for their child to live while in their custody.
  • Each of the parent’s respective parenting philosophies, goals for the future, and plans for running their respective households.
  • The preferences of the child, if the child is old enough to convey these thoughts to the judge and explain their bond with each of their parents. This is more of a factor as a child approaches age 14, depending on the child’s maturity.

Every child custody determination in Cohasset is different, and every family has unique dynamics. It’s easy to feel distressed and overwhelmed as you begin to prepare for your custody determination, but the right attorney can help you feel more at ease with the situation, assisting you in gathering the documentation you will need to provide and helping you understand each stage of your impending proceedings.

Find Trustworthy Legal Counsel in Cohasset

Farias Family Law, P.C., has years of experience resolving complex family court cases, and we know the emotional strain that any child custody case can impose on a parent. If you are unsure how to approach your impending case, have pressing legal questions that you cannot answer on your own, or simply want the peace of mind that comes with working with a seasoned legal team, we are ready to assist you.

Your child custody case may unfold more quickly than you expect, so it is crucial to connect with trustworthy legal counsel as quickly as possible. Contact Farias Family Law, P.C., today to schedule a assessment with a Cohasset child custody lawyer and learn more about the legal services we provide.

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