Duxbury Alimony Lawyer

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Duxbury Alimony Attorney

Divorce is never an easy experience, no matter how amicable the couple is. One of the biggest issues of contention in a Massachusetts divorce is that of alimony, or spousal support. Divorce can be a financial burden for any party involved, and seeking alimony can help relieve some of the stress placed upon individuals who face the dissolution of their marriage. In these situations, a Duxbury alimony lawyer can prove vital to a positive outcome.

No matter your income level, your personal finances can suffer when dealing with a divorce. In certain situations, one of the spouses may have sacrificed their professional career to stay home and take care of the household and the children. These individuals may find themselves in a difficult financial position, and alimony can be awarded to them to allow them the same standard of living they experienced while they were married.

At Farias Family Law, P.C., our legal team has countless years of experience assisting individuals who are either seeking alimony or are the party who may be potentially responsible for paying this kind of support. Whatever your situation may entail, our firm is ready to serve you and put our experience and resources to good use in your case.

Defining Alimony in Duxbury, Massachusetts

In general terms, alimony is a monetary award a judge can order one spouse to pay another when the couple undergoes a legal divorce in Duxbury, Massachusetts. This money is used to help the receiving spouse maintain the same level or standard of living they grew used to during the course of their marriage. In some instances, the couple could reach an agreement regarding alimony outside of a courtroom through mediation or negotiation.

In cases where the couple cannot reach an agreement on their own, their alimony case will need to go before a judge who will make this determination for them. There are several factors a judge will take into account when determining the amount of alimony to award to the spouse seeking support. These factors can include the following:

  • The total length of the marriage
  • The age of each spouse
  • The health status of each spouse
  • The income, employment, or employability of each spouse, even if the spouse needs to receive new training to become employed
  • The economic and non-economic contributions of both spouses to the marriage
  • The ability of each spouse to maintain their usual standard of living following the dissolution of the marriage
  • Any lost economic opportunities because of the marriage

Important Elements of Alimony

It can also be important to remember several key basics of alimony in the state of Massachusetts, including:

  • It does not matter who files for divorce when it comes to awarding alimony, as the judge can award alimony to either party.
  • The judge involved can only order alimony if the paying party can afford it.
  • Alimony can only be awarded if the receiving spouse can prove their need for it.
  • The judge can order the paying spouse to make alimony payments in a single lump sum or on a recurring basis.

When calculating the amount of alimony available in a divorce case, the judge will look at the income of both parties. This income can include streams of finances outside of someone’s wages and salaries, such as:

  • Investments and dividends
  • Bonuses
  • Stocks and stock options
  • Commissions
  • Restricted stock units

How the Attorneys at Farias Family Law, P.C. Can Assist You

If you are facing a divorce in the state of Massachusetts, the team at Farias Family Law, P.C. is here for you. We understand that these can be difficult topics of discussion, and you are most likely concerned regarding the health and safety of your personal finances, no matter if you are the receiving spouse or the one who may be required to pay alimony. Whatever your situation includes, you can expect our team to deliver the following services:

  • Working to calculate potential alimony amounts for high-income individuals, such as doctors, lawyers, business owners, and corporate executives
  • Identifying and uncovering any hidden assets or streams of income
  • Determining the income of both parties and presenting evidence to support these determinations.
  • Working to determine how much money one spouse may be awarded in alimony and for how long these payments should be made


Q: What Are the Available Forms of Alimony in Massachusetts?

A: There are four main types of alimony available in Massachusetts divorce cases. These can include the following:

  • General term alimony or alimony awarded to a spouse to meet their financial needs
  • Rehabilitative alimony, or alimony that supports a spouse until they can support themselves
  • Reimbursement alimony, or alimony that is used to pay back a spouse for their contributions to the marriage
  • Transitional alimony or alimony given to a spouse as they get used to their new life

Q: When Can Alimony End?

A: There are several circumstances in which alimony can end beyond seeking a modification or termination of the support order itself. Alimony can end should the paying spouse reach the age of retirement, either of the spouses passes away, or when the spouse receiving the support remarries and begins to live with their new partner for a certain amount of time.

Q: Can Alimony Orders Be Modified or Revoked After Divorce?

A: Yes, if you can prove that a certain life change happened, you could seek the modification or even the termination of an alimony order. For example, if you, as the paying spouse, lose your job, you can seek a decrease in the amount of alimony you are ordered to pay. An experienced lawyer can help you in this process.

Q: How Much Does an Alimony Lawyer Charge in Massachusetts?

A: It can be difficult to offer an exact number as to how much an alimony lawyer might charge for their services in Massachusetts, as each case and each lawyer is different. However, there are certain factors involved that impact the final costs of a case, including the overall duration and complexity of the case and the experience of your lawyer.

Dealing With Divorce? Our Attorneys Can Help

If you are dealing with a divorce case in Duxbury, Massachusetts, and are curious regarding alimony, the legal team at Farias Family Law, P.C. is here for you. We understand the delicacy with which these cases need to be handled and are ready to come alongside you to offer our legal guidance and support. Contact our offices today to schedule your initial case assessment.

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