Massachusetts Spousal Support Attorney
The Massachusetts Alimony Reform Act, which was signed into law on September 26, 2011, and goes into effect on March 1, 2012, provides judges with more guidance and limits their discretion, with the hope of achieving more consistency and predictability in alimony awards. The law breaks down alimony into different types, each addressing particular financial circumstances. It also includes retirement provisions, generally mandating termination of alimony when the payor reaches full retirement age.
Alimony is a key issue in divorce and can be worth significant amounts of money. Massachusetts Alimony Attorney Bill Farias is a skilled, aggressive divorce lawyer that will ensure that you get a favorable alimony judgment in your case to put you in the best financial position possible walking away from your divorce.In addition to a retirement provision, the new Massachusetts Alimony Law also includes provisions for cohabitation and term limits to help ensure fair alimony awards.
Alimony Factors
The following factors are used to determine the form of alimony and in setting the amount and duration of support:
- Length of the marriage
- Age of the parties
- Health
- Income
- Employment and employability of the parties, including employability through reasonable diligence and additional training
- Economic & non economic contributions of the parties
- Marital lifestyle
- Ability of each party to maintain the marital lifestyle
- Lost economic opportunity as a result of the marriage
Different Types of Alimony in Massachusetts
Rehabilitative Alimony:
to be used when the receiving spouse is expected to become economically self-sufficient by a certain time (finishing school or job training, becoming re-employed etc.). Can be used regardless of the duration of the marriage, but has a 5-year limit.
Reimbursement Alimony:
used to compensate the recipient spouse for contributing to the financial resources of the payor during the marriage, such as enabling the attainment of education or job training. It’s only available in marriages 5 years and shorter.
Transitional Alimony:
used to help the receiving spouse transition to an adjusted lifestyle or location after the divorce. It’s only available in marriages 5 years and shorter, and only for a maximum of 3 years.
General Term Alimony:
this is the default alimony classification and is generally used to provide for an economically dependent spouse. The following time limits are included in the statute to ensure alimony awards are proportionate to the length of the marriage.
Length of Marriage
- 5 years or less
- more than 5 years up to 10 years
- more than 10 years up to 15 years
- more than 15 years up to 20 years
- longer than 20 years
Maximum Length of Alimony
- 50% the number of months of marriage
- 60% the number of months of marriage
- 70% the number of months of marriage
- 80% the number of months of marriage
- Indefinite (except for retirement provision)
How Much Alimony Will I Have to Pay?
The law limits alimony to the receiving spouse’s need or 30-35% of the difference between the spouses’ gross incomes.
Judges have the discretion to deviate from the suggested amount and time limits only if necessary, and they must make written findings discussing their decision. The grounds a judge can use for deviation include advanced age; illness; taxes; health insurance; life insurance; unearned income; premarital cohabitation; physical or mental abuse; lack of property, maintenance, or employment opportunity; among others.
Receiving spouse’s need or 35% of the difference between the spouses’ gross incomes.
Massachusetts Alimony Retirement Provision
Divorcees in Massachusetts generally will no longer be required to work beyond retirement age just to pay alimony awards. Alimony orders will now terminate in most cases when the payor reaches full retirement age. Judges may, however, under certain circumstances, set a different retirement age in the judgment.
Massachusetts Alimony Cohabitation Rule
At least 3 Months
Judges now must suspend, reduce or terminate alimony if the receiving spouse is cohabiting with someone else. “Cohabiting” is the maintaining of a common household with another person for a continuous period of at least 3 months. The law doesn’t state that the cohabitation rule applies only to sexual relationships. However, the judge can reinstate the alimony award when cohabitation ends.
Modification of Existing Alimony Orders
Divorcees that currently have judgments in place that exceed the duration limits of the new alimony law may be entitled to a modification of the alimony award. To prevent a sudden, overbearing influx of cases into the court system, the new law provides an eligibility schedule that is based on the length of the marriage: those that were in shorter marriages can file with the court earlier, and those that had longer marriages must wait longer – this also gives the receiving spouse more time to prepare for the adjustment.
To give yourself the best chance of a favorable alimony judgment, contact Massachusetts Alimony Lawyer Bill Farias for a CONSULTATION at (508) 675-0464 or submit the contact form on this page. His aggressive representation will ensure you get the alimony settlement you deserve.
Experienced Massachusetts Alimony Attorney
When going through a divorce, alimony can be a critical issue that affects both parties’ financial well-being. This section provides educational material and resources to help you understand what alimony is, how it’s calculated, and what factors can impact its duration and amount. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions that prioritize your financial stability and future.
In this section, you’ll find practical tips and guidance to help you navigate the complex world of alimony, negotiate effectively, and ensure that you make educated decisions on this issue in your divorce.
Alimony is based on a number of factors that inform the court as to whether there should be support paid to financially weak spouse. The primary factors are whether the potential payor has an ability to pay and whether the potential recipient has a financial need. The other factors used by the court include the incomes of the parties, the length of marriage, contributions to the marriage (economic and non-economic), marital lifestyle and the ability of each party to maintain it, and others.
Generally, the longer the marriage, and the greater the disparity in income between the parties, the greater the chance that alimony will be ordered.
You can try to avoid alimony by arguing that either 1) you can’t afford it, or 2) the other spouse doesn’t need it. This becomes more and more difficult to achieve as the disparity in income between the parties and the length of the marriage are greater.
Another method of avoiding alimony is by increasing your offering in property division. If your circumstances call for alimony and you want to try to avoid it, you can offer your spouse a disproportionate share of the property as an “alimony buyout.” Whether this is wise depends on your alimony exposure and what it will cost you in assets/property to eliminate it.
Although you certainly should be working to reduce your alimony exposure, be careful about manipulating your income to avoid alimony. If the court finds that you’re intentionally unemployed or underemployed or in any way purposely decreased your income, the court can “attribute” income to you. Essentially that means the court can treat you as if you’re earning the higher amount for purposes of the alimony analysis.
Alimony Reform of 2012 set time limits on alimony in MA. First, alimony generally does not continue beyond the payor’s social security retirement age, which is generally 67.
In addition, there are time limits based on the length of the marriage. If the marriage is 5 years or less, it’s 50%; between 5 -10 years, 60%; between 10-15 years, 70%; and between 15-20 years, 80%.
The court has discretion to deviate from these time limits for “good cause,” but must explain its reasoning in writing.
The average percentage used for an alimony calculation is approximately 27% of the difference in the gross incomes of the parties.
There is no minimum length of marriage for a person to qualify for alimony. However, generally, the longer the marriage and the greater the income disparity between the parties, the greater the chance of alimony being ordered. But even in shorter marriages, alimony can be ordered for example to help a spouse transition to the next phase of life or to reimburse that spouse for a contribution made during the marriage to the payor’s earnings capacity – for example financially supporting the spouse through schooling.
You can get out of paying alimony by either convincing the other side or the court that you can’t afford it or the other spouse doesn’t need it. Or, if alimony is warranted, you can use property for an alimony “buyout.” Instead of paying alimony you can agree to give the other spouse property or assets that would otherwise be yours.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, alimony can be modified (increased or decreased) after divorce. The default is that alimony is modifiable and either party can file for a change in the order upon a material change in circumstances. For example if the needs of the recipient increase and the payor is able to afford it, the court may order an increase on a modification.
There is no difference between spousal support and alimony. They’re different terms for the same concept. In MA, the term “alimony” is used more often.
This is being written in October, 2018, and currently alimony is taxed as income to the recipient and deductible for the payor based on their respective tax brackets. However, pursuant to the most recently enacted tax laws, as of 1/1/19 alimony will no longer be taxable nor will it be tax-deductible. This is a significant change, and will likely warrant an adjustment to how alimony is calculated.
Yes, generally, a prenuptial agreement can bind the parties to a certain arrangement upon divorce, including no alimony. However, in order for a prenuptial agreement to be enforceable, the court must find that it was fair and reasonable at the time the parties signed it, and at the time of divorce.
Unless the parties contract otherwise, alimony remains modifiable. Therefore upon a “material change of circumstances,” either party can file for modification of alimony. If the change in income is not substantial, the court is unlikely to change the order. However, a significant change either way, for either party, creates an issue of whether alimony should be modified.
Yes. Unless the parties agree to close out the issue of alimony permanently, either party can file for modification upon a “material change in circumstances.” For example, if a payor suffers a decrease in pay or unemployment, the order would be subject to modification for a decrease in alimony.
Unless the parties contract to permanently close out the issue of alimony, it remains modifiable. Therefore, if the financial needs of the recipient increase and the payor is able to afford higher payments, the court may order that alimony be increased.
Massachusetts Alimony Resources
Alimony is the payment of spousal support usually from the higher earning party to the other. It’s determined by considering a number of factors, including incomes of the parties, length of the marriage, contributions of the parties to the marriage, and other assets they will keep, to name a few. Alimony is more likely when the marriage was longer and there’s a large disparity in income between the parties. However, alimony is less likely to be ordered when the requesting party is already receiving child support – especially if the parties earn less than $250,000 combined.